I'm Freakin' Out Here
Okays, to really understand Gil The Carnie ya' have to understand what causes him to wake up screamin' frum a drunken' coma at 3 in the morning. I’ve made a list of da' creepiest things that I typically have ta claw off ma' body in my hallucination-tic booze-haze.
(Warning: If ya' can take pictures of creepy bugs and animals may I suggest DarthMoridin with his Star Wars fetish, Latigo who's probably talkin' about how manly it is to be kicked by a horse or look at John Bosco's funny pictures)

Look at it! Look at those fingers! *shudders* Waking up in cold sweats wit that on da' pillow next to ya'. Yeah, you’d scream like a little girl too.
Draco Lizard

Flying freakin' lizards! Nuf' said.
Tawney Frogmouth

I think it's a bird, but it's more like Jim Henson nightmare.
White Nosed Guenon

I love monkeys, but come on! It looks at ya' with those big sad eyes then it goes fer your throat.

In my closet with a big knife, under my bed waiting ta' grab my ankle and on ma' ceiling when I’m lying in bed.
Stargazer Fish

Why God, why?!
Potato Bug

Sweet sunny carpet tacks! Arrrggggh! No seriously, arrrrgggh! I've had arguments wit Mel about how I'd rather have a cobra stuffed down the front o' my pants than have ta' have one of these bastards crawl on my arm. One more time, arrrrggggh!
Nows don't worry about me too much. When my little friends start gettin' me a little too freaked I likes ta' go to my happy place.
(Warning: If ya' can take pictures of creepy bugs and animals may I suggest DarthMoridin with his Star Wars fetish, Latigo who's probably talkin' about how manly it is to be kicked by a horse or look at John Bosco's funny pictures)

Look at it! Look at those fingers! *shudders* Waking up in cold sweats wit that on da' pillow next to ya'. Yeah, you’d scream like a little girl too.
Draco Lizard

Flying freakin' lizards! Nuf' said.
Tawney Frogmouth

I think it's a bird, but it's more like Jim Henson nightmare.
White Nosed Guenon

I love monkeys, but come on! It looks at ya' with those big sad eyes then it goes fer your throat.

In my closet with a big knife, under my bed waiting ta' grab my ankle and on ma' ceiling when I’m lying in bed.
Stargazer Fish

Why God, why?!
Potato Bug

Sweet sunny carpet tacks! Arrrggggh! No seriously, arrrrgggh! I've had arguments wit Mel about how I'd rather have a cobra stuffed down the front o' my pants than have ta' have one of these bastards crawl on my arm. One more time, arrrrggggh!
Nows don't worry about me too much. When my little friends start gettin' me a little too freaked I likes ta' go to my happy place.

Um... what the hell is the Trainspotting ceiling-crawling-baby doing in your happy place?!!!
Clown= very bad
bug thingy= bad
ugly toothy fish= bad
But the rest are rather cute. Although that pie'd give me nightmares [shiver]. It looks like cherry pie. I hate cherry pie. It's squishy and disgusting.
Gadzooks gil ya just had to go and post that Frog Mouth thing, I allready live under a creepy bridge, now along with rats and bats, I have to worry about some little fluffy owl beaking my eyes out while I sleep.
That chimp looks very happy to see you.
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